Underknown Studio

Advertise with us and reach one of the most engaged and educated audiences on social media.

Our audience is young, educated and on mobile devices.

Platforms provide us with incredible insight into viewers’ interests. Our data tells us which subjects carry the most resonance and which what if questions they watched the longest, and discussed the most.  These metrics then inform which topics, themes and narratives we produce in the future.

Watch on mobile devices


18 - 34 years old


College degree






Our services for brands and companies

We study the art of a contagious content creation using analytics and have formulated our proprietary blend of viral ingredients to explain complex ideas in a fun and engaging way.

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Host Reads

A 30-45 second brand feature incorporated into our What If episode and read by our host, Peter. You’ll get brand exposure that creates a rapport with our invested fan base.


Present non-disruptive brand awareness to our audience with pre-roll, post-roll and episode credits as well as your link in our video description.


What If videos take your audience on an epic exploration of possibilities that can increase engagement and monetization. Our unique way of explaining science has resulted in What If becoming the #1 Science & Technology video publisher according to Tubular Labs


Leverage our story-telling skills to simplify your complex concepts into a fun and engaging story with custom explainer videos. We write and produce a video for you using our unique story formula, and deliver an explainer video that you can distribute on your channels.

Marketers that distribute their branded content in partnership with a publisher saw a higher brand lift — 50% higher, on average — than those who published content on their own.


51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI.


The biggest brands in the world realize that content is the future. Coca-cola, for example, spends more money on content creation than it does on television advertising.


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We help audiences discover your brand or product on social media. Sponsor one of our episodes or get a bespoke video produced. Share your campaign details below and we’ll get back with a proposal.

Or for any other general inquiries get in touch with our Director of Sales and Brand Partnerships, Saloni Sinha at saloni@underknown.com.

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    What is the goal of your campaign? What specific measurable outcome are you hoping to achieve?